Month: January 2019
CBOE Reapplies for Bitcoin ETF: Steps Towards Regulation or Just a Game of Tetris?
CBOE re-applies for Bitcoin ETF, sparking fresh hopes and delays in cryptocurrency regulation. Is this the end of the wait?
Swisscom Blockchain CEO Daniel Haudenschild’s Sudden Departure Sparks Industry Buzz
Daniel Haudenschild’s sudden departure from Swisscom Blockchain raises questions about future directions in the blockchain sector. Discover the details.
ETHDenver 2023: UNICEF and Blockchain Unite for Social Good
Learn how ETHDenver 2023 is collaborating with UNICEF to promote social good through blockchain technology and innovative tokens.
Bob Summerwill Takes the Helm: New Executive Director for Ethereum Classic Cooperative
Bob Summerwill joins the Ethereum Classic Cooperative to enhance community development and address past controversies.
Seoul’s Blockchain Governance Team: Pioneering Innovation in Administrative Services
Explore how Seoul’s new Blockchain Governance Team is revolutionizing government services through innovative blockchain applications.
Bright Futures Ahead: The Crypto Market’s Shift from Hype to Development in 2019
In 2019, cryptocurrency is shifting focus from speculation to building foundational products. Discover the impact of this shift.
Wikimedia Foundation Teams Up with BitPay for Crypto Donations
Explore the partnership between Wikimedia Foundation and BitPay to accept crypto donations, including Bitcoin Cash.
Revolutionizing Diamond Tracking: Russia’s Blockchain Initiative
Discover how Russia’s new blockchain platform is revolutionizing diamond tracking and enhancing authenticity in the gem industry.
Alipay and WeChat Pay Take Action Against Huobi’s OTC Services
Alipay and WeChat Pay claim Huobi is unauthorized to use their services on its OTC platform, leading to legal drama in the crypto space.
Top Challenges Facing DApp Developers in the Decentralized Ecosystem
Explore the significant challenges facing DApp developers, including user onboarding and poor user experience, as revealed by recent survey insights.