Ethereum Developers Embrace Delay of Difficulty Bomb in Constantinople Hard Fork

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Understanding the Difficulty Bomb

The Difficulty Bomb is a mechanism in the Ethereum blockchain designed to steadily increase the difficulty of mining blocks, effectively making it more challenging as Ethereum transitions from its current Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus method to Proof-of-Stake (PoS). In simpler terms, it’s like training wheels on a bike; they help you stay balanced until you’re ready to ride solo. But sometimes, it’s better to delay taking those training wheels off if you’re not ready for the big ride!

The Constantinople Hard Fork

The upcoming Constantinople hard fork isn’t just a random street name reminiscent of ancient empires; it’s a pivotal event in Ethereum’s long-term strategy for updating and improving its network. During a recent meeting on August 31, the core developers decided to ease the pressure from the Difficulty Bomb, effectively delaying it and implementing the pause into the upcoming hard fork.

Block Reward Scenarios

During their YouTube brainstorming session, developers floated three scenarios to adjust block rewards in light of the Difficulty Bomb:

  • EIP-858: A hefty reduction to 1 ETH per block.
  • EIP-1234: Cutting rewards down to 2 ETH.
  • EIP-1295: Keeping it at 3 ETH but tweaking other incentives.

Ultimately, the team settled on the EIP-1234 scenario. Who knew blockchain planning could generate as much drama as a reality show?

Delaying the Inevitable

This decision to delay the Difficulty Bomb for approximately 12 months aims to provide stability in the network, suggesting that Ethereum could revert to about 30-second block times come winter of 2019. Talk about a winter wonderland for miners!

Following this delay, the Ethereum chain would adjust its practices with rewards shifting to a base of 2 ETH, modifying uncle and nephew rewards to suit this scenario. Who knew family dynamics extended to block chains?

Ethereum’s Market Performance Amidst Changes

As we observe these developments, Ethereum’s markets are experiencing their own rollercoaster ride. As of now, ETH sits around $283, witnessing a dot of a 0.48 percent decline on the day but managing to gain 1.39 percent over the past week. The cherry on top? Rumors swirl around the Chicago Board Options Exchange planning to introduce ETH futures by the end of 2018, but it’s hard to tell if people are more excited about that than the impending winter holidays!

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