Telegram’s ICO: Who’s Allowed to Join and Who’s Not?

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Understanding the Exclusions

When it comes to Telegram’s closed token sale rounds, not everyone is welcome on the digital dance floor. According to reports, anyone listed on international sanctions lists—including those from the US, UK, EU, and UN Security Council—are explicitly barred from joining the party. And it doesn’t stop there; the list extends to the families of sanctioned individuals, which could mean that your distant cousin, who once dated a questionable character, might miss out on the chance to invest.

The Family Ties that Bind

So, who exactly is in the family circle of ‘sanctioned’? Well, the affected relatives include children, parents, spouses, and even siblings. Imagine being cut off from the ICO opportunities because your brother decided to embark on a career in geopolitics—talk about familial responsibility!

Territory Troubles

But wait, there’s more! Telegram isn’t playing favorites when it comes to geography. Residents of certain sanctioned territories, like Crimea, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and Syria, are also absent from the guest list. It raises a burning question: maybe Telegram should start sending out invitations on Instagram instead?

The ICO in the Limelight

The ICO (Initial Coin Offering) isn’t just a mere fundraiser; it’s shaping up to be one of the largest in history—think blockbuster movie level! As Cointelegraph snooped out, it could potentially rake in around $1.6 billion even before everyone else gets a chance to grab a ticket.

The Money Matters

The first presale alone has been quite the spectacle—$850 million gathered from 81 investors, no small feat! Between this fortune and the second presale quietly popping up, it seems like Telegram is determined to make it rain in the cryptocurrency world. With such staggering figures, can they even build a crypto-shelter fast enough?

The Bottom Line: Who’s In and Who’s Out

It’s clear that while Telegram is busy preparing for a financial feast, not everyone can partake in the buffet. For would-be investors, it’s vital to know where you stand—dues are paid in more than just financial knowledge; sometimes it’s about geopolitical standing too. So, to all the excluded parties: maybe next time, it’s best to leave your family reunions out of your investment decisions!

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