Power Play: The FCC’s Recent Internet Control and Its Parallels with the Federal Reserve

Estimated read time 2 min read

A Look Back: The Federal Reserve’s Birth

The Federal Reserve was born in 1913 under an avalanche of discontent directed at big banks. You might say Americans went from bad to worse, trading an oligopoly for a monopoly. The big financial players at the time were like that one friend who insists on choosing all the movies for movie night – we all know how that ends.

How Banking Neutrality Relates to Internet Control

Flash forward over a century, and here we are watching the FCC pull similar stunts on our beloved Internet. Much like the Federal Reserve adopted the role of the ‘guardian’ of consumers, the FCC has jumped onto the ‘neutrality’ bandwagon, claiming to protect us from evil ISPs. But are they truly the heroes in this scenario or just more expensive babysitters? Let’s ponder.

From Oligopoly to Monopoly: The Same Old Song

Back in the early 1900s, a handful of banks dominated the financial landscape, much like today’s ISPs. While the SNL films may give us midnight laughs, both sets of oligopolists are a royal pain. The central problem is that consumers have their hands tied, with few alternatives available.

The Similarity of Mission Statements

Check this out, the Federal Reserve aims to maintain the stability of our financial system. The FCC? They carry a similar torch, pledging to oversee ISPs while protecting our digital rights. Sounds comforting, right? Well…cue skeptical eye roll!

What Does It Really Mean? Spoiler Alert: It Might Not Matter

Before we throw ourselves a pity party over a centralized Internet, let’s take a breath. Ask yourself: does this control actually matter in the long run? Here comes my radical prediction: the future might just see us ditching ISPs altogether, much like how Bitcoin allowed us to sever ties with traditional banking.

The Future is Mesh Net: Decentralization is Here!

Imagine a world where each of us becomes our own ISP, like we did with Bitcoin when we became our own banks. Mesh net technology is paving the way for this very revolution. And, while we’re at it, bring on Elon’s satellite-powered Internet! Who knows, we might just leapfrog over this tricky net neutrality chapter soon enough.

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