Putin Advocates Blockchain Advancement While Gref Calls for Professional Training

Estimated read time 3 min read

The Crucial Meeting

In an unexpected twist of fate, a meeting with Sberbank’s president, Herman Gref, has people buzzing about the future of Blockchain in Russia. President Vladimir Putin, known for his straight-shooting style, emphasized that Russia must not lag behind in the Blockchain race. It’s like he’s waving a red flag at a charging bull—might just open a whole can of digital worms!

Sberbank and Blockchain: A Power Play

Sberbank isn’t just twiddling its thumbs. The bank has hopped onto the Blockchain bandwagon, enhancing its document transfer and storage systems through a partnership with Russia’s Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS). Talk about making moves! They’re also eyeing Switzerland to open a cryptocurrency exchange—with a touch of Swiss precision, no doubt. However, we wonder, will they offer complimentary chocolate with every transaction?

The Need for Training

Gref, knowing that we’re not on a leisurely stroll through the park, laid it out for Putin—the world of Blockchain is huge, and Russia needs trained professionals to keep pace. He’s advocating for structured programs to develop skills in this tech-heavy field. It’s a bit like trying to play chess against an octopus—it’s going to take some serious strategy!

Putin’s Perspective: What’s Needed?

Putin, with his characteristic bravado and an arsenal of natural resources at his disposal, shrugged at Gref’s concerns. He questioned the very relevance of Blockchain when Russia has copious amounts of oil, gas, and precious metals. “We have everything!” he declared, like a parent waving a fishing pole while telling their kid to play outside. Yet, he’s not blind to the importance of staying ahead of technological changes, reminiscing about a former oil minister’s analogy regarding the Stone Age—new tech doesn’t come from sheer lack of resources but by sheer necessity. While the world spins around them, will Russia catch the digital train or miss its stop?

A Call for Innovation

With a looming threat of falling behind, Putin couldn’t ignore the implications of stalling on tech adoption. He passionately argued for using Blockchain fully, mentioning the potential for innovation and economic progress. “We need to take the maximum advantage!” he insisted, echoing sentiments that resonate as the modern equivalent of ‘It’s now or never!’ The CryptoRuble and multinational cryptocurrencies for BRICS and EEU countries are still swimming in murky waters, but the undertow is strong. Will they flush out a clear future?

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