Tag: alto survey
Austrians Show Cryptocurrency Skepticism as Global Sentiment Shifts
A survey shows Austrians remain skeptical about cryptocurrencies while other nations show optimism. Discover insights into this evolving landscape.
Germans’ Distrust in Facebook’s Libra: A Deep Dive into Skepticism
A recent survey reveals that 71% of Germans are skeptical about Facebook’s Libra, highlighting concerns over the company’s societal impact.
The Blockchain Hype: What 2019 Holds for United Airlines and UPS
Executives at UA and UPS express caution for blockchain’s mainstream adoption in 2019, highlighting the need for collaboration and real use cases.
South Korea’s Upcoming Decision on ICOs: What It Means for the Crypto Landscape
South Korea may soon revise its ICO regulations. Discover the anticipated changes and their impact on the crypto industry.
Blockchain Awareness Among CIOs: Hype vs. Reality
Survey shows CIO awareness of blockchain is high, but actual adoption remains low. Explore the reasons behind this trend.
Young Japanese Men Embrace Cryptocurrency: A Survey Analysis
Explore the findings of a survey on cryptocurrency ownership among Japanese men aged 25-30, revealing motivations, investment behavior, and future outlook.
When Do Average Investors Plan to Cash Out of Bitcoin? Insights from a National Survey
Discover what price point Bitcoin investors plan to cash out and the motivations behind their investment choices.
Kaspersky Lab Unveils Upgrade for Democracy: Polys, the Blockchain-Powered Voting System
Discover Kaspersky Lab’s Polys, a Blockchain-based voting system set to enhance security and transparency in online elections.
Is Alibaba Ready to Jump on the Bitcoin Bandwagon?
A survey reveals Alibaba leads as the next major retailer to embrace Bitcoin, leaving Amazon and Google in its dust. What’s next for digital currency?