Tag: Peer to Peer
Unpacking NEM: The Revolutionary Cryptocurrency for the Everyday Individual
Discover how NEM aims to rectify wealth distribution issues and empower individuals in the economy through innovative technology.
BitHalo 2.1 Launch: Competing with PayPal through Decentralized Payments
Explore BitHalo 2.1’s Advanced Payment feature, allowing secure peer-to-peer payments via email with Bitcoin and Blackcoin.
Kryptoradio: Broadcasting Bitcoin To the Masses Beyond The Internet
Explore Kryptoradio’s groundbreaking technology that broadcasts Bitcoin transactions over TV, making cryptocurrency accessible to everyone in Finland.
The Future of Decentralized Data Storage: A Look at Storj and MaidSafe
Explore the advantages of decentralized storage with Storj and MaidSafe: security, cost efficiency, and a new way to earn cryptocurrency.