The Hilarious Tale of a Cat’s Assault on a Bitcoin Node

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The Unexpected Downfall

In the whimsical world of cryptocurrencies, one might think that malicious hackers are the only threats to network integrity. But one British Bitcoiner learned the hard way that household pets can sometimes be the bigger menace. A cat named Pablo launched an unexpected attack on his owner’s Bitcoin node, leaving it as unreachable as the Plato’s Allegory of the Cave.

The Setup

Bodl_hodler (a pseudonym, because who doesn’t love a bit of mystery) decided to contribute to the Bitcoin decentralized dream by running a Raspberry Pi as an Umbrel node since January 2021. The mission was simple: enhance the network’s resilience. Little did he know that his fuzzy sidekick had alternative plans.

Pablo’s Covert Operation

Fast forward to May 2022; Bitcoin was dropping faster than my motivation on a Monday morning. Bodl went to check on his node, expecting it to be humming along happily, but lo and behold—it was offline! Panic set in. What could possibly be the cause?

Pulling the node out from behind the sofa, he couldn’t prepare himself for the horror that awaited him. Turned out, Pablo had “decorated” the node with a crusty layer of cat vomit. Talk about a messy protest!

The Aftermath of Catastrophe

As Bodl explained, the vomit had infiltrated the vent slots of the node, cutting off its vital connection to the internet. Imagine his surprise when he realized that his beloved kitty might have mistaken the node for a fancy cat dish! Bodl joked, “Maybe he [Pablo] mistakenly thought it was running a dog-themed shitcoin and couldn’t stomach the volatility.”

Restoration and the Journey Forward

After the initial shock and disgust—and probably a mild gag reflex—Bodl sprang into action. A quick power cycle and the node sprang back to life, re-syncing like it had just returned from a short vacation. The Bitcoin network was once again secure, all thanks to Bard’s determination and many, many wipes.

Importantly, the plight of Bodl’s Bitcoin node serves as a humorous reminder of the unexpected challenges Bitcoiners face, both digital and furry. Now, with a new fluffy companion named Lottie, it seems the Bodl household has found a balance between cryptocurrency and cat tactics. For people contemplating running their own Bitcoin nodes, here’s a nugget of wisdom: maybe keep the cat away from the tech!

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