Unmasking Google’s Crypto Censorship: A Call to Action for Blockchain Champions

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Crypto Censorship: The Silent War

It seems like the tech giant Google has declared a silent war on everything blockchain. A recent petition circulating through the Twitterverse, dubbed #ForkGoogle, is turning the spotlight on Google’s alleged attempts to silence cryptocurrency-related content. With accusations flying that Google and its subsidiary, YouTube, have waged “campaigns of suppression against the Bitcoin and blockchain industry for years,” it’s clear that tensions are heating up.

The Accusations: A Campaign Against Information

The memorandum at the heart of this movement claims that Google’s tactics are multifaceted and downright sneaky. Services related to cryptocurrency are being pulled from Google Play faster than you can say “blockchain.” From blocking ads to deleting videos and restricting access to essential information, it presents a portrait of a company seemingly ready to knock the crutches out from under the innovative space of crypto.

Human Rights or Corporate Control?

One of the most scandalous elements of the argument is that Google’s censorship appears to disregard fundamental human rights by essentially saying, “Information? What information?” This move has invoked the ire of the credibly earnest crypto community who simply want universal access to knowledge and tools that empower them.

Cry For Alternative Platforms

In a twist worthy of a plot twist, the #ForkGoogle petition urges the crypto community to rally together and consider alternatives to Google’s products. It beckons members to boycott Google’s services in favor of decentralized platforms, such as Steemit for blogging and the open-source web browser, Brave. The mantra here? “Let’s support alternative solutions more, attract investment, and boost new competitive products!”

Pressure on Google: The Power of Community

By banding together, advocates believe they can inflict enough pressure on Google to put its controversial policies under the public microscope. In a world where likes and retweets can reverberate like thunder, who knows what kind of change the community can initiate?

The Ongoing Content Purge

In case you missed the memo (no pun intended), Google has already made waves with its recent content purge. As of March 2, several crypto news apps, including that of Cointelegraph, found themselves exiled from the Google Play Store. Navigating Google’s murky waters? Good luck, as many prominent figures have confronted erratic view counts, mysterious deletions, and even account suspensions on YouTube.

A History of Censorship

The narrative doesn’t just start this year. The crackdown on crypto began around March 2018 when Google announced a policy barring ads related to cryptocurrencies. Allegedly spurred by external pressure from regulatory bodies, the tech giant seems determined to control the narrative over crypto.

Wrapping Up: A Community Stand

As the crypto community gears up for battle, one thing remains clear: censorship will not be tolerated. If you’re in this industry, now is the time to get loud, get organized, and perhaps even consider learning some new terms like “decentralization” and “alternative platforms”. The digital currency war might just be heating up, and we all have front row seats to this unfolding drama.

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